Minggu, 28 April 2013

Harga - FUJI XEROX DocuPrint 3105

Anda mencari daftar harga produk PRINTER harga terjangkau ? Informasi Produk Spesial PRINTER : FUJI XEROX DocuPrint 3105 Harga Ekonomis. A3, 1200 x 1200 dpi, 32 (BW) ppm Print, Tray 1# 550, NIC, USB - TERJAMIN, ASLI, MURAH, CICILAN 0%, dan GRATIS Kirim - Hanya di Bhinneka.Com

Harga : Rp.8,676,800
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DocuPrint 3105 A3 Monochrome Laser Printer, Fast and efficient with no compromise on quality. High performance printer technology with superb energy efficiency. For businesses who demand top quality imaging at a low operating cost, the DocuPrint 3105 is the ideal solution. Fuji Xerox is always looking at developing smart, easy-to-use printers that deliver savings in both time and money. With this in mind we bring you the technologically superior DocuPrint 3105 which is packed with features that will be an asset to any busy office.

Kategori Produk: review PRINTER berkualitas, harga terjangkau
Keterangan: Jual FUJI XEROX DocuPrint 3105 - Printer Laser Mono : A3, 1200 x 1200 dpi, 32 (BW) ppm Print, Tray 1# 550, NIC, USB, Harga, Spesifikasi, dan Review Produk Bhinneka.Com, Kualitas TERJAMIN, 100% ASLI, Harga MURAH, CICILAN 0%, dan GRATIS Pengiriman, Buy, Sell, Jual, Beli

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