Harga : Rp.984,000

Enjoyment for Your Everyday Home and Work LifeWhether you’re catching up on the latest show on the Internet or viewing documents, the BenQ GL955A LED monitor is the perfect choice for you! Featuring a dynamic contrast ratio of 12M:1, response time of 5ms, and BenQ’s exclusive Senseye® Technology, this 18.5”W 16:9 LED monitor delivers you the visual enjoyment with best value.
Kategori Produk: Produk MONITOR LED berkualitas, harga terjangkau
Keterangan: Jual BENQ Monitor LED [GL955A] - Monitor LED 15 inch - 19 inch : 18.5”W, 1366 x 768, 600:1, 200 cd/m², LED WideScreen, Harga, Spesifikasi, dan Review Produk Bhinneka.Com, Kualitas TERJAMIN, 100% ASLI, Harga MURAH, CICILAN 0%, dan GRATIS Pengiriman, Buy, Sell, Jual, Beli
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